Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It has been really busy here the past few weeks. I got back from visiting a Mikumi National Park and hadn't heard from work much. A lot of sheep had died during the time I had been gone :( maybe 8 or 10? The sheep would pretty much just fall down dead they would stagger some and then fall down kick some and then die. And when we opened them up there was no visible sign of why they died. And we finally figured it out that it is probably Magnesium deficiency. But it was so weird it was only affecting our young pregnant ewes that were about to lamb within a few days or a week. But thankfully the deaths have slowed down and so far no new ones have died with these symptoms since Monday.

Now onto better news. Lambing season has begun here it started Friday I think with one or two and has escalated rapidly. Today 15 were born. The lambs are so adorable I need to take some pictures and post. One started to follow me around like a little puppy dog. She is so cute. Oh and I'll post some pictures of the animals I saw from the National park to. I'll try to write more tomorrow about what else is going on here. There is never too many dull moments here. And when there are they are much appreciated. Have a great day.