This last Tuesday as I was sitting outside near the barn on a trailer used to haul bales of hay. I was listening to one of the Maasai reading out of a Swahili Bible. A few Maasai, that work here at Kibidula, that I know of are Christians and the rest I don't know. But I was praying that as Lesikar was reading he would understand what he was reading. I had been praying that God would send at least one person that either was Maasai or knew how to speak the Maasai language to reach out to our Maasai herdsmen. Then yesterday one of the Evangelism teachers Tamara came and told me that there were about 8 Maasai here and that some even had Bibles in the Maasai language. I was so happy and excited. God had answered my prayer before I had even prayed it. He has done it before, but it is always so exciting every time it happens. Then tonight at vespers I got to meet some of the Maasai evangelism students. One is an older lady she is really sweet. She even started to teach me a little of the Maasai language which I am excited to learn. I wish you could have been there to see all of the Maasai they were so excited to have more of their own people here. I'm so happy. I know God has a plan and it will be excited to see. I also learned this week that former students of the Kibidula Training Center have gone and worked with the Maasai in Northern Tanzania and I think some of these students that came maybe the results of former students efforts. It is so amazing to here of how God is working here in Tanzania.
There are 3 people here from the Czech Republic, hope I spelled it right. They are preparing to do evangelism efforts in Kisada and Nlolo villages somewhat close to Kibidula. They will be here for a total of 2 months, and 3 more people are coming to help with the preaching.
Tonight I was asked to give the worship talk next Friday night. I am not used to talking in front of a group of people much and am nervous and I have no clue what to talk about. So please pray that God will give me the words to say, and that what I will say will be what, the Evangelism students and whoever else comes, will need to hear. I know that God will help me, but I'm nervous. Thanks for your prayers.
Please pray that God will give me wisdom every day when I work with the Maasai and with the sheep and cattle.
Please pray for two of our sheep specifically one lamb that was bitten by a snake earlier this week, and has recovered and seems fine, but I don't know if anything else is wrong with her. Then earlier that same day another lamb broke it's leg. It looked like limp noodle thankfully no bone was sticking out of the skin. Please pray that it will heal, we set the leg but it was bad break.
Also we need more workers here at Kibidula to do the work. Please pray that God will send people here to help with the work of spreading the Gospel to Tanzania.
Thanks for following my blog. Have a wonderful Sabbath Day!!